Soon to launch their new Retirement Village Fund in Blenheim

Peak Living to launch Fund in BlenheimPeak Living Limited in conjunction with Peak Care Advisory and its Partners are soon to launch a paradigm shift in the New Zealand retirement village industry.Combining a genuine understanding of the challenges for people wanting to move...
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Introducing Peak Care Advisory Limited

Dear Aged Residential Care Provider,  It is my pleasure to introduce Peak Care Advisory Limited to you and the services we provide. Our mission at Peak Care Advisory is “Helping build profitable health care businesses." Our focus is aged residential care pro...
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An affordable way to have access to a part time and highly skilled Finance professional for your healthcare business. It's time to engage a virtual CFO!...
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This article is about process improvement and challenging the systems, manual processes and what we do on a daily basis. Process improvement asks, “Can what I am currently doing be done better?” It is all about constantly challenging the status quo and remaining efficien...
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In this article I’m taking a look at burnout and asking what senior leaders in health care businesses are doing or can do to guard against this impacting their most important resource, their employees.  One of Simon Sinek’s many thought provoking posts on LinkedIn s...
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Whether it is strategic planning, project planning or your own personal planning, planning seeks to define clearly the direction an organisation, a project or you personally is wanting to head and the decisions required to get there. The need to plan has been around for basi...
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Enhancing financial reporting so that they add value to the decision makers who use them is what I really enjoy. Call it “bringing the numbers to life.” Like all chartered accountants, there will be a topic within our profession that we aim to excel at as a subject matte...
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Whether in aged care or operating a GP clinic, there is a minimum level of financial knowledge and understanding needed by the key decision makers. A key element in making a sound management decision is to understand how it will effect financial performance. In aged care thi...
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Preparing to meet the Bank.

December 17, 2021
All businesses will have some form of relationship with a bank. That may range from frequent contact throughout the year through to no more than touching base once a year for an annual review. I have always preferred to keep quite proactive with the bank ensuring I give them...
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Developing a robust exit strategy for the owners of a health care business starts with the realisation that one day you will want to wind down and spend more time with a fishing rod in your hand or travelling or any number of other reasons. Importantly, planning your exit sh...
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